Shipping + Returns

Shipping Policy:

I am a one person operation here and aim to ship your items as quickly as possible. Most items are shipped within 3-5 days. If I can’t ship your item within 7 days of your purchase, I will reach out to you directly.

I only ship to U.S. and U.K. customers at this time.

Items are shipped via Royal Mail with the following shipping time estimates (not including processing time):

Royal Mail Tracked (U.K.) - 2 business days

International Tracked (U.S.) - 5-7 business days

International Standard (U.S.) - 6-7 business days

Digital products are emailed to you as a download link directly after purchase (please check spam folder and wait 24 hours before reaching out in the event you do not receive your download).

*I am not responsible for any customs charges, tariffs, or additional fees levied on your shipment.

Return Policy:

Due to their fragile nature, prints and original artworks are not eligible for return. Digital items and commissioned pieces are also ineligible for return.

Clothing and other wearable items may be eligible for return, provided they are unworn and undamaged. You must contact me at (or use the contact form on this site) within 7 days of you receiving the item to initiate the return process. Further instructions will be given at that point for you to mail the item back. The customer is responsible for all shipping fees, which are non-refundable.

Upon receipt and inspection of the item, provided the item meets the conditions of return, a full refund for the cost of the item will be issued in the same form the customer made the original payment.

I reserve the right to refuse a refund if the returned item is not in the same condition it was in when it was purchased.